Saturday, June 1, 2019

July 1992 Square Ornament (Needle Adventures)

July 1992 Needle Adventures Ornament

A recent eBay auction appears to have a July 1992 Loretta Spears chart published under the Needle Adventures name among the items for sale.  The seller calls it hanging ornament.  This is one of a lot of charts and kits.!22611!US!-1

The ornament is a square made up to hang from one corner in dark blue and purples.  I've copied and enhanced the photos from the auction as best as I can.


Materials List and Canvas, Threads

Materials List:

7x7 inch piece of  18 count Levantine Blue needlepoint canvas
four colors of (purple?) Anchor cotton floss
Fyre Werks
Lacquered Jewels (green?)

Courtesy of Fireside Stitchery