Thursday, December 19, 2019

A New Patchwork Heart Pattern? UPDATED

I just stumbled across this unknown Loretta design on Pinterest. It appears to be a patchwork pattern made into a heart ornament.   The person who uploaded the photo says it is a Loretta design stitched as an Apple Blossom Chapter (of the American Needlepoint Guild) project.

Thanks to the sharp eyes on Facebook's Needlepoint Nation group, I now know that this ornament is Loretta's "Victorian Heart," published in the January-February 1991 issue of Needlepoint Plus magazine.  Appreciate your help, Terry!  It's amazing how different it looks in different colors.  Or maybe it is just different cameras.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

July 1992 Square Ornament (Needle Adventures)

July 1992 Needle Adventures Ornament

A recent eBay auction appears to have a July 1992 Loretta Spears chart published under the Needle Adventures name among the items for sale.  The seller calls it hanging ornament.  This is one of a lot of charts and kits.!22611!US!-1

The ornament is a square made up to hang from one corner in dark blue and purples.  I've copied and enhanced the photos from the auction as best as I can.


Materials List and Canvas, Threads

Materials List:

7x7 inch piece of  18 count Levantine Blue needlepoint canvas
four colors of (purple?) Anchor cotton floss
Fyre Werks
Lacquered Jewels (green?)

Courtesy of Fireside Stitchery

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Bargello Fantasy (Needlepoint Plus)

Bargello Fantasy (Needlepoint Plus)

Bargello Fantasy was original published  in the July August 1991 issue of Needlepoint Plus.   In 1994 Needle Adventures republished this design as a chart with a photo of the finished model on the back cover.  The chart version of Bargello Fantasy is discussed separately.

Needleartnut's Bargello Fantasy from NP Plus

The two designs are almost, but not quite, identical.  The "ribbon" across the top of the design is shorter in this version and the lower left bargello pattern is different as you can see in this photo of the finished magazine version, courtesy of Needleartnut.  The bottom triangles may also differ.  I can't be sure of that based on the images I've seen.  The scans of the Needlepoint Plus model and magazine cover are courtesy of Ann in Baton Rouge.

Needlepoint Plus July Aug 1991

Corrections to the magazine chart are posted in the Errata tab above.

The delicate version stitched by Sue. H.

And this is Sue H.'s version on congress cloth.   It isn't framed yet.  Thanks, Sue!


Materials List: